
Diagnosing Disappearing Data: Trustpower and RescueMetrics

September 14, 2021

Trustpower are one of NZ’s largest multi product utility providers. In such a highly competitive market, taking a test-and-learn approach to rapidly improve digital campaigns is key to driving more customer sign-ups. However, as they started to see a trend in website initiated sign-ups being visible in their CRM but not attributed to campaigns in Google analytics, using previously trusted data to invest in the best performing channels was becoming a challenge. 

Discrepancies across platforms were increasing
Confidence in attribution data was decreasing
...and the source of more and more online sales was becoming unknown..

The marketing team could see that user analytics and conversions were disappearing across their entire AdTech/MarTech stack - not just in the CRM. Researching the problem, they came to suspect that blocked analytics due to changes to cookies and other privacy measures could be the cause. So, their team ran a trial with RescueMetrics.

“The installation process was really straightforward. We had it up and running within a few days once we were comfortable with how it worked”.

Bringing down Trustpower’s Cost Per Click

After implementing RescueMetrics, Trustpower were able to unblock their analytics - which meant the real revenue attribution from campaign activity could be proven. 

An additional benefit they’ve discovered has also been a lowered CPC. Because their platforms had been receiving limited data, algorithms didn’t have the right information to replicate the activity driving sales. RescueMetrics is giving the platforms what they need - with CPC now declining by 14.7% in the past 11 months. 

Unblocked Analytics, Conversions and Cookies. 

On average 13% of sign-up data is now being rescued month to month - and with the rising use of Adblockers this number is set to continue trending upwards overtime.

Along with this unblocked data, RescueMetrics is restoring up to a quarter of Trustpower’s users cookies. Because of the high number of users browsing in Safari and Firefox, ITP/ETP changes meant that user journeys were previously not being tracked beyond 3 days. 

With this additional and accurate data, Trustpower are seeing:

  • An increase in total visitor numbers - due to Adblock-users now being visible in the analytics. Alongside this, returning visitor numbers are increasing, while new visitors decrease - due to cookies being restored for 180 days rather than 24 hours.
  • Direct and unknown conversions are decreasing - while all other conversions in their channels are increasing.
  • Attribution models have much more data - meaning correct attribution of sales is going into the right channels.
  • User conversion paths have much more data to accurately show the interactions users had with the website over a 180 day period.
  • A reduction in discrepancy between Google Analytics and all other platforms in regards to conversions, revenue and sales. 

For the following eight weeks after implementation, Trustpower’s campaign teams met every acquisition target - with a 45% increase in attribution data available in week one.

Trusted data for better decision-making. 

Prior to having RescueMetrics in place, decision-makers were apprehensive about using attribution data to drive decisions. Now, with data discrepancies removed, there are few concerns over data quality - giving leaders the confidence needed to distribute precious marketing spend!

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