What do you get when you put two marketing data and analytics Jedis on a call together? So. Many. Insights. Alex Langshur and Phil Zohrab chat measurement models, AI Attribution, signal loss and more. We have summarized the most valuable takeaways.
What do you get when you put two marketing data and analytics Jedis on a call together? So. Many. Insights. Alex Langshur and Phil Zohrab chat measurement models, AI Attribution, signal loss and more. We have summarized the most valuable takeaways.
The "cookie apocalypse" is challenging legal compliance, consumer trust and the effectiveness of MarTech. Cookie banners offer a convenient solution… if you can tick all the boxes.
The "cookie apocalypse" is challenging legal compliance, consumer trust and the effectiveness of MarTech. Cookie banners offer a convenient solution… if you can tick all the boxes.
Data is the driving force behind impactful digital marketing today. Websites and platforms gather web analytics data to offer personalized content, make recommendations, and identify and resolve performance issues. This tracking process has been around even before Google Analytics made its debut in 2005. There are two primary types of tracking – server-side and client-side tracking. We'll explore their definitions, advantages, disadvantages, and implications for privacy.
Data is the driving force behind impactful digital marketing today. Websites and platforms gather web analytics data to offer personalized content, make recommendations, and identify and resolve performance issues. This tracking process has been around even before Google Analytics made its debut in 2005. There are two primary types of tracking – server-side and client-side tracking. We'll explore their definitions, advantages, disadvantages, and implications for privacy.
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